Direct Mail Services

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Direct Mail Services

Smart Mailing Guide



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Retain Customers and Build Loyalty
Let existing customers know that you care about them by interacting at a personal level. It helps to build customer loyalty and increases the chances of them using your business again in the future

Boost Awareness and Generate Leads
Addressed Admail is the perfect channel if you want to make people aware of your products or services. This can improve sales by generating new leads, it can encourage product trial, generate traffic to the web or retail, raise funds for your cause, and more. Direct Mail is a proven channel with a long history of success that can work for you,

The Preferred Channel for Promotional Messages
36% of Canadians say that direct mail is their preferred way to receive promotional messages1. This is over two and a half times higher than email (14%), and three times more popular than TV and newspapers

Better Open Rates
By including the address on your mail piece you instantly boost the chance that your message is going to be noticed and read by the recipient. In fact the more information you include the better your chances are – 87% of Canadians will open mail personally addressed to them.

Immediacy and Permanence
68% of Canadians read their mail right away and the physical nature of mail means that your message can stay at the address as a reminder, whether on a desk, side table or a fridge.

We are your One STOP for Total Distribution of ALL you Addressed Admail needs with over 15 years industry expereince and leadership.

Direct Mail Postcards Letters & Envelopes
Direct mail is great way to reach a target an audience. With our direct mail service, we take care of the
– Printing of the postcard
– Approval submission to Canada Post
– Address correction
– Address printing on Postcard
– Postal preparation
– Delivery to Canada post

Our mailing services include processing your mailing list, addressing, removal of duplicate names, address validation, postal pre-sorting, post office drop-off and the postage option that fits your needs. We will also maintain you list and provide data entry services if needed. Mailing services can be requested for many different printed products, ask us for additional info.

Benefits of Bench Strength Mailing Services

Convenience A one-stop solution for printing and mailing.
Fast Turnaround Time Your printed products can be mailed 1-5 business days after the printing job has been completed.
Database Validation We will validate your list to ensure that addresses are in the correct format. We also remove duplicate addresses so that you only pay for what we mail.

ABOUT CANADA POST Addressed Admail

Get your message into the right hands to grow your business.
Addressed Admail™ allows you to reach your customers and prospects with flyers, postcards, envelopes and self-mailers that target specific addresses. By including names and addresses on each piece of mail, you add personalization and increase your chance of getting noticed!

What Can Addressed Admail do for my Business?
No matter what your size or industry sector, our Addressed Admail™ service can help you find new customers, keep existing ones, and encourage them to spend more. Here are just a few of the things that Addressed Admail can do for you:

Get your message into the right hands to grow your business.
Addressed Admail™ allows you to reach your customers and prospects with flyers, postcards, envelopes and self-mailers that target specific addresses. By including names and addresses on each piece of mail, you add personalization and increase your chance of getting noticed!

What Can Addressed Admail do for my Business?
No matter what your size or industry sector, our Addressed Admail™ service can help you find new customers, keep existing ones, and encourage them to spend more. Here are just a few of the things that Addressed Admail can do for you:

Retain Customers and Build Loyalty
Let existing customers know that you care about them by interacting at a personal level. It helps to build customer loyalty and increases the chances of them using your business again in the future

Boost Awareness and Generate Leads
Addressed Admail is the perfect channel if you want to make people aware of your products or services. This can improve sales by generating new leads, it can encourage product trial, generate traffic to the web or retail, raise funds for your cause, and more. Direct Mail is a proven channel with a long history of success that can work for you,

The Preferred Channel for Promotional Messages
36% of Canadians say that direct mail is their preferred way to receive promotional messages1. This is over two and a half times higher than email (14%), and three times more popular than TV and newspapers

Better Open Rates
By including the address on your mail piece you instantly boost the chance that your message is going to be noticed and read by the recipient. In fact the more information you include the better your chances are – 87% of Canadians will open mail personally addressed to them.

Immediacy and Permanence
68% of Canadians read their mail right away and the physical nature of mail means that your message can stay at the address as a reminder, whether on a desk, side table or a fridge.


Canada Post Personalized Mail qualifications

Find out if your next mailing qualifies for Personalized Mail rates — before you print it.

Avoid higher costs by checking whether your mailing meets all the Canada Post Personalized Mail™ savings qualifications. Please contact us to review a sample of your mail piece (preferably in PDF format) before you print or send it.

Key qualifiers

To qualify as Personalized Mail™, your mail pieces must do one or more of the following:

  • All have the same purpose, although the content doesn’t need to be identical.
  • Promote a product, service, program or event.
  • Solicit donations or contributions.
  • Report on financial performance, primarily for promotional purposes.
  • Support your loyalty card program. Includes all mailings relating to loyalty card programs. Excludes credit and/or debit cards with or without reward points.
  • Go out to more than 100 Canadian addresses.

If this is the first time you are preparing a Personalized Mail piece, start by reading about Personalized Mail.

The details in this “Overview of Changes” is for information purposes only and should not be regarded or relied upon as legal advice or opinion. While no substantial changes other than those noted in this Overview of Changes are anticipated, we continue to review and update the Customer Guides.

Customers mailing with Canada Post must refer to the applicable General Terms and Conditions at

  • For Customers without a Canada Post Standing Offer Agreement, or
  • For Customers with a Canada Post Standing Offer Agreement

Personalized Mail January 13 2020

Smart Mail Marketing Neighbourhood Mail January 13 2020

There will be price increases introduced on January 13, 2020. Refer to the Personalized Mail January 13 2020t at Only the non-contracted Price Sheet is available online.

Qualifying customers may have access to lower prices by signing an Agreement. To obtain further details, contact the Commercial Service Network at 1 866 757 5480.

Personalized Mail January 13 2020

Minimum volume requirement for Machineable Mail will be reduced from 400 to 100 items

Trigger-based marketing is an advertising tactic that focuses on leads resulting from a customer’s previous action (website or store visit, cart abandonment, follow up to a direct mail item).

To support this marketing approach, effective January 14, 2019, the minimum volume requirement for Machineable Mail will be reduced from 400 to 100 items per mailing for Personalized Mail (including mini-catalogues), Postal Code Targeting and Publications Mail. Phantom pricing will apply when mailing less than 100 items.

New lower price for the Personalized Mail Machineable mini-catalogue up to 50 g

Coming soon: Try a Personalized Mail mini-catalogue and save $0.02 per item.

The machineable mini-catalogue is an acquisition and retention tool ideal for e-commerce companies. The mini-catalogue is a cost-effective way to drive online and in-store sales and cut mail and production costs without sacrificing circulation or frequency.

Mini-catalogues may be designed as self-mailers or inserted into envelopes. They’re defined as printed matter with a list of items for sale containing item descriptions, item numbers and/or prices. A mini-catalogue must contain a minimum of eight pages or panels (may include coupons or special offers) and meet Machineable Standard Personalized Mail requirements.

Enhancements to improve the customer experience at time of mailing

To improve the customer experience and help avoid delaying or detaining the mail at the time of deposit, we will be implementing two solutions for missing paperwork:

Missing Sample

If a sample of your item is missing at the time of deposit, the customer agrees that one sample will be removed from the mailing for Canada Post’s records and verification purposes.

Missing Order (Statement of Mailing/SOM)

To help resolve the delays caused by missing copies of the Order (Statement of Mailing / SOM) when customers deposit their mailing, we recommend that all labels for containers, monotainers and pallets include the Order (SOM) number. This solution allows our employees to reprint the SOM and accept the mailing, provided the SOM has been transmitted by the customer.

Changes and enhancements introduced in 2018

Redesigned Machineable Mail Advisor tool

The Machineable Mail Advisor tool helps mailers meet our machineable mail requirements (e.g. addressing, postage zone and graphic placement) to avoid unnecessary delays when depositing mail. The redesigned tool displays the information in a decision-tree format and provides self-mailer, horizontal and vertical address-oriented templates for all services and formats. Visit

Contract expiry warning added to EST (Desktop, EOE, EST Online)

To avoid potential issues at time of mailing, all versions of EST now provide a warning when creating an Order that will advise the customer if one or more of the services that are part of their contract will expire soon. The message displays as One or more services on this contract will expire on YYYY/MM/DD.




About Addressed Admail

Product Specifications

Prices & Preparation

Rate Card

Machine Mail Advisor

Addressed Admail Customer Guide

Key Support Documents




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 Last Updated; Feb 18, 2020

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Henry TSE, Your Personal Admail™ Agent

Providing   Neighbourhood™ & Personalized Admail™ Solutions that Work!

Your One Source for Total Print & Distribution

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