How to Find NEW business Customers with Direct Mail
Welcome to the Neighbourhood Mail™ for Unaddressed Admail®
I am pleased to introduce myself Henry Tse and offer my value-added services for your consideration…
I am available any time to answer any questions you might have as well make a formal presentation to yourself or at your next staff meeting to better understand how to make Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail work for your agents.
Since 1996, I have personally worked with over 500 independent realtors as well some of the largest builders, developers and property managers in Toronto & GTA to help advertise their “sites” and for Realtors™ Just Listed, SOLD, AVAILABLE properties For Sale, etc.
As a Member of TREB all your agents automatically qualify for substantial 45% postage discount as negotiated by Canada Post Ottawa and Toronto Real Estate Board.
As a former Top Sales agent for Canada Post “Unaddressed” Neighbourhood™ Admail Agent Specialist, I want to introduce and offer my value added services to YOUR agents as Independent contractor on a private commercial basis the “same support” Canada Post offers exclusively to their largest and major Tier 1 & 2 revenue customers whom spends Minimum $1,000,000 – $10,000,000+ act for your office as your own Personal Admail Agent™
Despite the internet evolution for consumers & business; the reality is every Home Owner, still every day …goes to their mailbox whether to pay bills or to follow weekly grocery and retail sales ads for their local shopping, etc BTW: Canada Post is the only organization to have exclusive 100% access Every apt/Condo mailbox in the City!
In addition to assisting your agents to ensure timely execution for advertising their properties “Just Listed and or SOLD”; we are Print Brokers, similar to Mortgage brokers but instead offer Wholesale Trade printing making us a One Stop Source for Total Print & Distribution Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail.
For a typical example the support services I would offer you as well a CASE STUDY FOR CANADA POST Neighbourhood™ ADMAIL – formerly Unaddressed Admail and separately a summary of our services for your sharing with your office agents for consideration our services.
Yours In the Mail, I remain
Henry TSE
Henry Tse, Unaddressed Admail Agent Specialists
Bench Strength Mail Associates P: 905.886.4674 C: 416.817.8997
This e-mail message and any files transmitted with it may be CONFIDENTIAL and are intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message.
I am pleased to introduce myself Henry Tse and offer my value-added services for your consideration…
I am available any time to answer any questions you might have as well make a formal presentation to yourself or at your next staff meeting to better understand how to make Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail work for your agents.
Since 1996, I have personally worked with over 500 independent realtors as well some of the largest builders, developers and property managers in Toronto & GTA to help advertise their “sites” and for Realtors™ Just Listed, SOLD, AVAILABLE properties For Sale, etc.
As a Member of TREB all your agents automatically qualify for substantial 45% postage discount as negotiated by Canada Post Ottawa and Toronto Real Estate Board.
As a former Top Sales agent for Canada Post “Unaddressed” Neighbourhood™ Admail Agent Specialist, I want to introduce and offer my value added services to YOUR agents as Independent contractor on a private commercial basis the “same support” Canada Post offers exclusively to their largest and major Tier 1 & 2 revenue customers whom spends Minimum $1,000,000 – $10,000,000+ act for your office as your own Personal Admail Agent™
Despite the internet evolution for consumers & business; the reality is every Home Owner, still every day …goes to their mailbox whether to pay bills or to follow weekly grocery and retail sales ads for their local shopping, etc BTW: Canada Post is the only organization to have exclusive 100% access Every apt/Condo mailbox in the City!
In addition to assisting your agents to ensure timely execution for advertising their properties “Just Listed and or SOLD”; we are Print Brokers, similar to Mortgage brokers but instead offer Wholesale Trade printing making us a One Stop Source for Total Print & Distribution Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail.
Below find a typical example the support services I would offer you as well a CASE STUDY FOR CANADA POST Neighbourhood™ ADMAIL – formerly Unaddressed Admail and separately a summary of our services for your sharing with your office agents for consideration our services.
Yours In the Mail, I remain
Henry TSE
Henry Tse, Unaddressed Admail Agent Specialists
Bench Strength Mail Associates P: 905.886.4674 C: 416.817.8997
This e-mail message and any files transmitted with it may be CONFIDENTIAL and are intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message.
CASE STUDY FOR CANADA POST Neighbourhood™ ADMAIL – formerly Unaddressed Admail
You Just LISTED or SOLD a property!
….As promised your client that you would market and advertise the Listing to ensure the best offer until SOLD…
Next to MLS and Door to Door knocking to let the neighbours in and around the listed property is For Sale or SOLD (for potential NEW Listings) Canada Post is by far your easiest way to get your message known and READ!
Introducing Neighbourhood™ ADMAIL – formerly Unaddressed Admail. Neighbourhood™ Admail is a distribution service offered by Canada Post for delivery of your flyers and post cards.
A RELIABLE DELIVERY FORCE: Your items are delivered alongside with the “regular mail”, as a result your advertising is more likely to get your prospects attention and get read.
To “Start” ALL I require is the 6-digit postal code of the property to be advertised! The minimum to participate in this program is that you mail to one letter carrier route. 99% real estate agents we work with in the past like to demonstrate to the owner they are really spending money to promote the listing beside MLS.
Typically your local letter carrier delivers mail every day on their route about 300-500 Homes or 800-1200 apt/condos. (below and attached find typical conversation and transaction) Printed & distributed in 5 -7 business days!
How to Become the local Area Specialist
Goal: Become the local area real estate agent specialist.
How to: You want to develop a personal relationship with Home Owners in the area
Fact: A typical Home owner needs trust before willing to List with YOU.
Advertising 101: Branding. Is “distinguishing” yourself from the competition. Creating recognition, awareness and most important loyalty, trust and value.
Solution: Marketing Experts states it takes minimum 3-6 times before an impression is made. With Neighbourhood™ Admail we can tailor a program for you to become the local Area Specialist by sending out each week or month to the same letter carrier routes and over time the home owner sub consciously unaware has seen your name brand and when she/he is ready to call you for interview and for your presentation. The key is frequency & consistency.
As a Member of TREB YOU automatically qualify for substantial 45% postage discount as negotiated by Canada Post-Ottawa and theToronto Real Estate Board.
In addition to assisting you to ensure timely execution for properties Just Listed and or SOLD; we are Print Brokers, similar to Mortgage brokers but instead offer Wholesale Trade printing.
Making us Your One Stop Source for Total Print & Distribution Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail.
I am available any time to make a formal presentation to yourself or by telephone, email to help you better understand how to make Canada Post Neighbourhood™ Admail work for you.
Yours In the Mail, I remain
Henry TSE
Henry Tse, Unaddressed Admail Agent Specialists “Doing business without advertising is like flexing your muscles in the dark or mirror, You know what you are doing, BUT nobody else does!”
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Claudio Castro <[email protected]>
To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020, 4:42:55 p.m. EST
Subject: Recommended for mailout
Hi Henry, you were recommended to me by Sara Gaggi!
I am looking to print and do a mailout for the attached file.

Would you be able to assist me?
Claudio Castro, Sales Representative
On Monday, February 3, 2020, 6:08:41 p.m. EST, Claudio Castro <[email protected]> wrote:
Yes, please proceed.
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 6:06 PM Henry TSE <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Claudio
Per the report is the first route listed on page 3 report LC# 12 which has 323 units BOTH 5 & 10 Kenneth Ave
Printing: $80
Postage: 323 x .107 = 34.56
BSM: 50.00
Transportation: Min 15.00
sub total_ = 179.56 + 23.34HST
From: Henry TSE <[email protected]>
To: Claudio Castro <[email protected]>
Cc: Bsma Htse <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020, 10:34:14 a.m. EST
Subject: Re: Recommended for mailout
Hi Claudio,
Update FYI: Online tracking of your post card looks like has or already gone out today…
Statement of Mailing Details
Statementof Mailing Number: | C169560582 |
PackingSlip Number: | 200001 |
Titleof Mailing: | 406-5KENNETH AVE – SOLD |
PlannedDeposit Date: | 2020/02/06 |
SizeSelection: | STANDARDUP TO 30.5X15.24CM (12″X6″) |
On Monday, February 3, 2020, 5:54:08 p.m. EST, Claudio Castro <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Henry, I was thinking of only doing the buildings of 5 Kenneth and 10 Kenneth, if that is possible?
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 5:52 PM Henry TSE <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Claudio,
Yes I am Canada Post Admail agent since 1996 as well offer wholesale trade printing…
Attached please find 1 klm radius Precision Targeter report for your information FYI: There are over potentially 18,000 apt/condo for consideration.
See Page 3 as highlighted in YELLOW It is ranked in order from 5 Kenneth AVE
It really comes down to your budget and How many postcards that you want to print & mail out.?
Typically, my minimum is 2,500 -5,000 pcs before I get involved but since you were referred from Sara I will work whatever quantity you want to print and mail out
Below are some example costs involved:
Printing: $145.00 / $220 + HST
Title: Claudio Castro
QTY: 2,500 / 5,000
Item: Post Card
Size: 8.5″ x 3.70″
Colour: 4/4
Bindery: Cross T double Elastic banded in bundles 100 w/4mm bands.
Canada Post Neighbourhood Admail Program
Admail Postage: 2,500 x .107 = 267.50 (TREB Rate) regular $167.00/1,000
BSM Service: 50.00
Transportation: 2,500 x .01 = 40.00 + $15 per delivery installation
sub total: 357.50 + 46.48HST
Admail Postage: 5,000 x .107 = 535.00
BSM Service: 50.00
Transportation: 5,000 x .01 = 50.00 + $15 per delivery installation
sub total: 650.00 + 84,50HST
Yours In the Mail, I remain
Henry TSE
Henry Tse, Unaddressed Admail Agent Specialists
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Henry TSE <[email protected]>
To: Todd Nowensky <[email protected]>; Todd Nowensky <[email protected]>; Bsma Htse <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2020, 2:45:46 p.m. EST
Subject: – 88 SHAVER M9B 4N7
Hi Todd,
Please find Precision Targeter report for – 88 SHAVER M9B 4N7 and our quotation for your consideration.
– 88 SHAVER M9B 4N7 is known as Letter carrier route 52 and has 118 be BACKED out of this mailer as requested; …less the areas as described = 3,802 pcs..
If you have any questions for the attached, please do not hesitate to email or call me…
Henry Tse
Unaddressed Admail Agent Specialists